Baseball stitch wall

I originally saw this idea online but I did things a little different then what I read so I thought I'd share my techniques to make this easy and satisfying :). My first step was to paint the entire wall, basically bc it was a flat paint before and I changed it to eggshell. Obviously walls vary in size so you will just need to determine how close you want the stitching. We tied a pencil at the end of a rope and then tacked it in the corner then drew from one side to the other to get the long line. Make sure u hold the pencil outright and not slanted at all! Then do the other line in the opposite corner. I traced the line with a thin paintbrush using a gray paint we had already. It's ok if the line isn't exactly the same thickness ! If u look close you can see mine varies in thickness. The best thing I did was make a stencil from a scrap piece of cardboard for the stitching. And I didn't...