
I finished the buffet!!! Yay! I actually finished a while ago but I'm just now posting due to me being busy preparing for my daughters "Princess Tea Party" ( which I will post pictures in). I need to sand the doors down a but as they are rubbing with the xtra layers if paint. So, like I mentioned before my mom brought this over to me from her garage. It needed some MAJOR TLC! I had to cut a piece of wood to fix this broken leg! Just glued in on, sanded, used wood filler, sanded, sanded, sanded! Definitely had to keep the original hardware! Spray painted them black and the original hinges were rusted so I just bought new hinges! This thing came from a garage sale and it was so nasty in and out. I sanded lightly but used the liquid sander deglosser as it's my favorite :) The drawer was gross it has a purple Nasty velvet liner that stunk and was a pain to remove. :( Ok, so my initial pl...